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Space Security Policies and Strategies of States and International Organization: An Introduction

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


This chapter provides an introduction to Section 2 of the Handbook of Space Security addressing the subject of ""Space Security Policies and Strategies of States and International Organizations."" It covers expert views on space security policies of established spacefaring nations, including the United States, Russia, China, Europe, and Japan. It also reviews space security policies of three emerging space powers - India, Brazil, and Israel - to showcase different approaches to this strategic portfolio.

These approaches range from strict emphasis on the peaceful uses of outer space, in the case of Brazil, to space being a crucial domain of national security, in case of Israel. A combination of these drives is the Indian space program.

The section also treats the evolution of U.S.-Japan Space Security Cooperation as well as that of space security-relevant multilateral organizations, including the United Nations (UN), the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), and the International Standardization Organization (ISO).