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Hirschberg and Großteich in Advertising and Commemoration

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


In this lecture the results of a three-yaers research are summarized. It was already partially presented at the conferences in Prague (2012) and Passau (2013).

Based on the theories of "lieu de memoire", the research sought to explore the relation between the advertising-image of Hirschberg and Großteich and the image of this two important space of memory in the commemoration of the Germans who were banished from the Czechoslovakia after 1945. In order to become a famous spa, Hirschberg used a plethora of advertising strategies: from newspaper advertising and fleats to picture cards and tourist guides.

Thanks to this media, the town spread successfull its very stereotypical an idealistic image. Although there was a huge difference between the reality and the adertising-image, it was this image which was formative for the perception of this place.

In the documents of the Germans who were banished from the Nortth of Bohemia, the parts of the previous advertising-image are still present. The text and pictures which once made nicer the reality make nicer the memory after 1945.