The study deals with the overview of the preserved manuscripts of the canonries of the Augustinian canons in Roudnice nad Labem and Sadská. The majority of the codices are large, written on parchment, mostly illuminated, and origintate primarily from the 14th century.
The content of these manuscripts is very traditional, the vast majority of the corpus is formed by the liturgical books, writings of the Church Fathers, scholastic authors and works of canon law. Surprisingly, there are no codices in Czech language preserved and only very few surviving texts pertain to the modern devotion.
However, the extant codices are not necessarily a representative sample of what the library may once have held. It is possible that when fleeing Roudnice in 1421, the canons decided to privilege the codices that were materially precious.
Fifteenth-century treatises were more likely to be copied in less pricy paper volumes and might have been left behind. In any case, the preserved part of the library cannot be used to support the thesis about Roudnice's role in late-medieval spiritual and devotional transformation.