This article is aimed at the Volhynian Czechs in the West Ukraine in cities or towns Luck - Rivne - Dubno and surroundings. Based on fieldwork in 2011-2014, this article contributes to a critique of term krajané (compatriots) and methodological nationalism.
The meaning of the term compatriot involves labeling people by ethnic line and this term is not cautious to the other possibilities and values as social class or gender. Dividing people into "us" and they" means that compatriots should not assimilate or integrate into the majority in a foreign country.
This article is also critical to methodological nationalism. The analysis with the methodological nationalism is based on studying compatriotic relationship with the majority in the state.
This article argues that the feeling of being a compatriot is not thanks to growing up in a Czech family, but thanks to visits in the Czech Republic. Some compatriots want to (re)emigrate after their positive experience to the Czech Republic.
Dealing of compatriots in case of (re)emigration is pragmatical or utilitarian and it is also caused by the economic crisis in Ukraine. Compatriots also create transnational ties before (re)emigration and after it.
This led us to know that concept of terms compatriots, assimilation, integration and the methodological nationalism can be replaced by ethnic capital, transnational ties and critique of ethnicity.