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Reassembling Airport Security

Publikace na Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, Fakulta sociálních věd |

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The intention of this presentation is to introduce my doctoral thesis research proposal in order to get useful feedback for my newly started project. Intended research will deal with the problematic of airport security and its privatization.

Its goal is to analyse concept of airport security and function of its existing structure with the emphasis on the role, interactions and divergent approaches of public and private actors. In the centre of research inquiry is the question how the concept of airport security including its parts and components is understood, practised and reasoned and how is this understanding influenced by the presence of private actors.

The inquiry derives from the assumptions of actor-network theory and its shared perspectives with the theory of assemblage and in accordance with their methodological preconditions is intended to be rooted in the field research. Here the research is expected to be focused on four cases in order to enable the employment of comparative synthetic analyses in order to increase (subjective) possibility of generalization.