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Immigration and Economics: Potential for the Rise of the Greek Far-Right?

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Social Sciences |


In 2015 Greece strongly affected by the economic crisis faces an unprecedented increase in numbers of immigrants coming from African and Asian countries. In recent years the issue of illegal immigration has caused a rise of xenophobia in the Greek society.

Since 2000 populist and far-right parties started gaining power and to a great extent they based their programmes on nationalist and anti-immigrantion policies. In July 2015 the Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras - being under pressure of Greece's international lenders - agreed to sign already a third agreement on loan for Greek economy from Troika.

Although by this step he probably prevented Greece to leave Eurozone, the country remains politically and economically destabilized. This situation in connection with the immigration crisis can lead to the radicalization of Greek society and the rise of far-right.