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Radio Bedtime Story and Its Image in the Memories of Contemporary Witnesses

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


This paper deals with children's radio broadcasts and tries to point out the development of radio bedtime stories in the 1960s. In 1960 a group of editors from the Children and Youth Editorial Board demonstrated an effort to introduce a new type of programme genre - a modern fairy tale.

As a result of this initiative, the new show called Good Night, Children was created in January 1961. It represented a hallmark of quality and modern style.

Its content comprised short fairy tales written by known and emerging writers which were read by leading Czech actors and actresses. The popularity of fairy tale radio bedtime stories was exhibited both by high listener ratings, as well as large amount of letter responses from children and their parents.

This study is based on archival sources, literature and interviews with both contemporary witnesses who participated in the creation of the programme and its listeners. The article does not seek to describe the history of the programme.

Its aim is to create an image using radio bedtime narrators' memories.