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Romanization of the village settlement in Moesia Iferior in a contex of a border area (Limes)

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The presentation specifies the role of Limes Romanus (from primary impulses of romanisation to acculturation) in the changing of rural society.The role of Limes will be presented in a framework of gradual development of rural environment, with brief chronologycal classification of roman military border line. Following the main topic, I will try to present Limes Romanus not just as a political border, but also as a new cultural medium, that connected and transformed the original landscape.

After the Roman Empire had connected new territories, Limes Romanus started to be a symbol of wholeness and prosperity of the Empire. In a connection to the Balkan area the new border was primary reflection of military presence on the new territory ( province of Moesia Inferior).

However subsequently this bored began to be an intermediary of roman cultural tradition, that with time partly transformed local rural society and economy.