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Romanisation of the village settlement in the provinces of Thrace and Moesia Inferior in a context of presence of villa rustica

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


TThe paper will be focused on the problematic of romanisation of village settlement in present Bulgaria. On the base of previous archeological researches and epigrafical sources there will be presentation of the current theoretical knowledge of transformation of roman countryside in Thrace and Moesia Inferior (with focusing on fenomen of villa rustica).

The presentation will specify the role of romanisation (from primary impulses of romanisation to acculturation) in the changing of rural. The proces of romanisation will be presented in a framework of gradual development of rural environment, with brief chronologycal classification of villa rustica: A (second half of the first century to 170 AD), B (170 AD to second half of the third century), C (second half of the third century to 370 AD), D (destruction horizont- first half of the fifth century).

There will be presented the typologycal summery of villa rustica in Bulgaria with basic typology which is adapted to local specifics: local type of villas with central closed courtyard, villa with peristyle, villa with apse, villa with central corridor and fortified villa. The main aim of the contribution will be representation of an idea of roman cultural integration (in economical and social contex) into rural society of new provinces; the problematic of the villa rustica will be used as an example of representation of the roman element into provincial environment.