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Comparison of avoidable mortality in the Czech Republic and Russia between 1980 and 2010

Publication at Faculty of Science |


In terms of population development, the area of the former Soviet Union is one of the few parts in the world which, despite significant progress in medicine, has not shown a general trend of improvement in mortality rates over the last 20 years. In the case of Russia, there was a significant variation in mortality rates, which was mainly caused due to increase in mortality among middle-aged men.

On the other hand Czech Republic is an example of the state where along with the change of the political system a significant improvement in mortality conditions can be seen. This paper aims to compare the development of mortality in Russia and the Czech Republic since 1980 and apply the concept of avoidable mortality on the data for these two countries.

Analysis of avoidable and unavoidable mortality will be presented using multi-dimensional charts. Analysis of avoidable mortality could also help to point out possible deficiencies in health care system in both countries.