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Brentano's Concept of the Object and its Perception as an Important Basis of Husserl's Early Work

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


This study describes Brentano's distiction of physical and psychological phenomena and the connection of outer and inner perception of them. Based on this distiction Brentano states that objects are comprehesible only as beeing imanent to psychological acts.

Positive knowledge can only come from the connection of the imanent object and the psychological act, both of which then function as a mutuallly determinig complemetary unit. Further an attempt is made to demonstrate how Husserl derives his own conception of the structure of the intentional act based on these Brentano's definitions.

Even though Husserl is refusing Brentano's work, he is still strongly influenced by it. This study is based on Brentano's Psychology from an Empirical Viewpoint and Husserl's Logical Investigations.