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Several hypotheses regarding the comparative structures with ellipses

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The paper deals with issues related to the verification of several hypotheses regarding the comparative structures with ellipses. There are three hypotheses formulated on the basis of previous analysis on material from the Czech-German Parallel Corpus InterCorp and tested on material from the Prague Dependency Treebank (PDT).

Following the first hypothesis, we conclude that the overall difference in the ratio between structures without ellipse and with ellipse (including all operators of comparison) is balanced with a slight predominance of structures with ellipse. The second hypothesis didn't verify the statement that structures formed by grammatical cases are less frequent than structures with jak, jako and než connectors.

The second hypothesis turned out to be valid only for the last two mentioned connectors. The third hypothesis led to confirmation that the jako and než connectors are more frequent in structures with ellipse, while the jak connector is more frequent in structures without ellipse.