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What do diploma theses unveil about academic public policy in the Czech Republic?

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Although textbooks, conference papers, scientific journals and monographs deal with the research side of public policy, only little attention is paid to the way how it is taught at universities. In this article we aim to explore the academic public policy in the Czech Republic - specifically in terms of teaching outputs -using a unique method: an analysis of diploma theses.

In the sample there were diploma theses defended within all the full-time Master's study programmes having "public policy" in their names in the Czech Republic between 1995 and 2013. We conclude that there are two traditions of academic public policy in the Czech Republic which enriches previous findings in the area and makes them more accurate.

The research design and thoroughly described methodology invite to further international comparisons of the features of academic public policy. The findings may also illustrate the trajectory a newly established discipline of public policy has made in past twenty years in the Czech Republic which may be of great interest in the newly formed public policy international community.