TIMSS 2011 study uses new index (SEAS) that is closely related to the concept of academic optimism. This paper describes some causes and ramiications of the low level of SEAS and its components in the Czech Republic.
Besides, the SEAS components are used to analyse the relationships between the attitudes of the Czech schools to the curricular reform and achievement of their pupils. Introductory part of the paper describes the concept of academic optimism and the SEAS index in TIMSS 2011.
Subsequently, explorative secondary analysis of TIMSS data is performed to explain strikingly low level of SEAS in Czech Republic. The results are discussed in Důraz školy na akademický úspěch... 603 the regional perspective.
The data on results of Czech 4th grade pupils in TIMSS 2011 mathematics test and school questionnaires were analysed by basic descriptive and inferential statistics methods. The low level of SEAS in the Czech Republic is mainly due to the low perceived pupils' desire to do well in the school.
One explanation may be the low trust of teachers and principals to pupils. The analysis also shows paradoxical relationship between the declared support to the reform and pupils' achievement in the Czech schools.
The components of the SEAS may be interpreted as a window on the perception and implementation of curricular reform in the Czech Republic.