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Czech Political Parties, Policy Process and Party Manifestoes Production

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


On the one hand political parties are presented as key actors in the policy process, playing mainly, but non only a role of a linkage between the state and the society. On the other hand the capacity of expertise is more and more considered as a common and obligatory need and good for every party which try to get into the government, based on the idea of less political and more technical problems to solve on the national or local level.

This proposal deals with the role of parties' experts, their capacity to influence the process of interest aggregation especially in terms of production of political and electoral manifestoes. We will primarily focus on Czech political parties and their manifestoes produced and presented during the last decade.

We will take into account the place of the experts within the parties especially facing the question of intraparty democracy but also considering the question of the role of external consultants (PR agencies, spin doctors and so on) which are more and more competing the ""classical"" party manifestoes ""producers"" and ways to produce such documents, and so participate to the policy process. This paper deals also with other problematic such as depoliticization, professionalization or externalization linked to the central aim of the paper.