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An anthropogenic impact on development of Březina stream basin


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Floodplains and alluviums of rivers and streams are significant archives of an anthropogenic impact on landscape. The main reason for this is their Holocene origin and a dynamic evelopment linked to an anthropogenic activity since prehistoric times.

One of suitable methods of environmental analyses is in-depth study of spatial and vertical geochemical characteristics of alluvial sediments. The Březina stream source is located westwards from the Bída hill (605 m a. s.) close to Česká Bělá town in the Moravian-Bohemian Highlands.

The stream's basin is filled out by sediments keeping a record about history of local medieval mining and ore processing area Preceding archaeological research of the locality documented polymetalic-ore mining (Pb, Ag), prospection and mining sites evidence, ore processing sites and related infrastructure. The location, sediments and archaeological findings were the reason why we chose this locality for our study of possible anthropogenic impact on landscape development.