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Low-back Pain Disorders as Occupational Diseases in the Czech Republic and 22 European Countries: Comparison of National Systems, Related Diagnoses and Evaluation Criteria

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, First Faculty of Medicine |


Aim: Low-back pain diseases (LBPD) belong to the most frequent diagnoses determined by general practitioners, and constitute one of the most common reasons for sick leave and permanent disability pension in the Czech Republic and other European countries. Epidemiological studies have shown a statistically significant association between LBPD and certain types of occupational burden.

However, in the Czech Republic, LBPD caused by overload and/or whole-body vibrations have not yet been included in the list of occupational diseases. The aim of this study was to collect and compare the systems, criteria and diagnoses used to recognize LBPD as occupational diseases in other European countries.