Introduction: In spite of progress in medicine, studies from a number of countries indicate steadily increased risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality in the offspring of diabetic mothers. No data regarding the pregnancy outcome in women with diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2 (pregestational DM) have been published in the Czech Republic.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the pregnancy course of women with pregestational DM and outcome of their offspring and to assess whether it has improved in ten years. Methods: A retrospective evaluation of pregnancy outcome of pregestational DM women followed up in the University Hospital Pilsen in years 2000-2009 (Group A, n = 107) and comparison with the period 1990-1997 (Group B, n = 39) were performed.
Wilcoxon non-paired test, contingency tables, step-wise logistic regression and step-wise linear multiple regression methods were used for statistical analyses. Conclusion: The achieved improved glycemic control led to only a partial improvement in the course of pregnancy and outcome of the offspring of diabetic mothers.