Contribution on the analysis of Act II explores the concept of sacramentality raised in the conciliar doctrine of the Church. The council uses as a base the classical definition of the sacraments, which combines aspects of visible signs and aspect of efficiency in the order of grace.
The council points out kristologiké basics sakramentality to be subsequently applied to the church, which will lead the council's own contribution to ecclesiology. Incarnate Word, the Church and the sacraments connects the concept of the priesthood.
The identity of the people of God stands on its participation in the priesthood of Christ, which also applies in the sacraments. Participation in the priesthood of Christ is seen as a constitutive element of the Church.
Understanding the importance participované priesthood also contributed to a fuller development of the theology of the laity in the Church. Thanks to this concept to the forefront of the Eucharist as spiritual sacrifices.
In the last part, the author proposes a new and original approach to the body of the sacraments based on the conciliar ecclesiology.