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Ethics: Prima Philosophia. Contemporary variations

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


If Ethics, inalienably linked to the intricacy of beings that we are, is placed as Prima Philosophia in the gradually built western taxonomy of science; if it was to take the position that for centuries the Aristotelian πρώτη φιλοσοφία (as developed to this day, that is to say, traditionally concerned not directly with us, but with Being, or at least with the idea of Principle, independent and unmoving -χωριστὰ καὶ ἀκίνητα); then, not only the sense of the history and the future of the technical field that philosophy is, but also the whole culture that moves towards this new theoretical hierarchy, is changing. Hoping to stimulate the discussion about the many elements mentioned on this statement, we present a brief comparative approach to some formulations of this ethical primacy, concentrating in two contemporary thinkers Emmanuel Levinas and Humberto Giannini.

Chosen because of their differences, we intend to give a sense of the various options available today to start this reevaluation of our knowledge and experiences in order to subject -in the broadest sense- any scientific undertaking to Ethics