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The role of lateral preference of lower limbs in a postural stabilization task

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


OBJECTIVE Postural control is a complex skill based on the interaction of dynamic sensorimotor processes. This study assessed the effect of lateral perturbations on postural re-stabilization regarding lower limb preference.

METHODS A group of 14 physically active individuals (9 male, 5 female) randomly underwent postural perturbations in lateral-left and lateral-right directions at a velocity of 0.2 m.s-1 and a platform shift of 6 cm. Perturbation to the preferred limb side (PS) was noted when the contralateral body movement was primarily controlled by the preferred limb and perturbation to the non-preferred limb side (NS) was noted when the contralateral body movement was primarily controlled by the non-preferred (stabilizing) limb.

Prior to, during and after the perturbation centre of pressure (CoP) was registered using a computerized motor driven FiTRO Dynamic Posturography System based on force plate (Fitro Sway Check) with a sampling rate of 100 Hz. The basic stabilographic parameters of peak displacement (Peak 1), peak-to-peak displacement (Peak 2), time to peak displacement (Time 1), time to peak-to-peak displacement (Time 2) and re-stabilization time (Time 3) were analyzed.

RESULTS Results showed significantly larger Time 3 on PS than on NS (2.81 +- 1.32 s and 1.73 +- 1.10 s; p=0.02). However, there were no significant differences in other parameters between PS and NS.

CONCLUSION It may be concluded that the observed shorter re-stabilization time at NS was due to the stabilization role of the non-preferred limb.