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The composites of silver with globular or nanotubular polypyrrole: The control of silver content

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Polypyrrole/silver composites were prepared by chemical polymerization of pyrrole using a mixture of oxidants, silver nitrate and iron(III) nitrate, in aqueous medium at room temperature. The silver content from 0 to 78 wt.% was controlled by varying the proportions of both oxidants.

Polypyrrole had globular morphology or was obtained as nanotubes in the presence of methyl orange. The morphology of composites was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy.

Silver was present as a larger objects of 150-200 nm size in globular polypyrrole morphologies or as approximate to 70 nm nanoparticles accompanying the polypyrrole nanotubes. The molecular structure is discussed on the basis of infrared and Raman spectra.

Conductivity of the composites of silver with polypyrrole nanotubes is 10-30 S cm(-1). For composites with globular polypyrrole, the conductivity was lower, 0.17-0.7 S cm(-1).