Social media and modern communication technologies that we use daily, change our ways of communication, customs, and have a direct impact on our decision making. Official statement of the Czech Statistical Office from 2014, mapping the IT/ICT use, reports that communication is clearly the most popular activity (that is not related to employment) on the internet.
And social media are a typical means of communication today. In recent years, the museum environment increasingly focused on the needs of their visitors, and the use of social media is one of the strategies that can build a positive relationship with (potential) visitors.
The following article presents the case study analysis of the social media use of Karel Zeman Museum. Authors focus on general principles in the design of optimal communication strategy, on the specific procedures for the use of popular social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Periscope), and analytical tools that help to optimize the impact of such communication.
This case study is a part of the seminar New Media in Museum Practice at the Faculty of Arts at the department of New Media Studies.