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The Building of St Vojtěch's Church at Březové Hory

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty |


The first steps of a construction of the new church at Březové Hory took place already in the 1840s. The municipality aspired to establish an independent clerical administration.

The decayed chapel of St Prokop had been no longer sufficient for the growing number of inhabitants. The chapel was rebuilt at the beginning of 1870s.

At the time, the already prosperous municipality aimed for a construction of a new parish church. The famous architect Ignác Ullmann, whose brother owned a pharmacy at Březové Hory, was originally asked for supplying the plans for the construction.

Nevertheless, Ullmann's colleague Antonín Baum eventually undertook the project's design in the Neo-Gothic style. However, the superior authorities refused Baum's project, which was modified by the local builder Vitáček, for its excessive costliness.

On the other hand, a more economic project in Neo-Renaissance style proposed by the Prague Stadtholder did not satisfy the communal magistrates. Baum and Ullmann's nephew Bedřich Münzberger thus worked out a new project according to directives of the Stadtholder and it was realized by the end of 1880s.

The Neo-Renaissance church at Březové Hory is unique when considering the sacral architecture of that time. It has however, a connection with a project that has never been realized and which was designed for St.

Weceslaw's church at Smíchov by Ignác Ullmann in 1878.