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Spatial and temporal trends of ozone distribution in the Jizerské hory Mountains of the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Science |


We present results of the 5-year monitoring of ambient O-3 concentrations in a Central European medium altitude mountain forested area. O-3 levels were measured at 11 sites between 714 and 1000 m a.s.l. in 2006-2010 vegetation seasons using Ogawa diffusive samplers.

Our results reveal that O-3 exposure in the Jizerske hory Mts. was relatively high and comparable with polluted sites in Southern Europe and in higher altitudes. O-3 concentrations differed significantly between individual sites and in individual years.

O-3 concentrations showed clear dependence on altitude at sites with similar aspect. Its gradient for the entire 5-year period under review equaled 3.5 ppb/100 m of altitude, ranging between nearly 5 ppb/100 m of altitude in 2006 and nearly 3 ppb/100 m of altitude in 2010.

O-3 concentrations at the site with northern aspect were consistently significantly lower than at the site at similar altitude with southern aspect. O-3 concentrations measured at the forest edge were consistently lower than those measured at the same site but at the forest clearing.

It is evident that the macro-setting of the O-3 monitoring site is crucial for obtaining reliable results with high representativeness for the area.