We measure the ratio of cross sections, σðp-p RIGHTWARDS ARROW Z þ 2b jetsÞ=σðp-p RIGHTWARDS ARROW Z þ 2 jetsÞ, for associated production of a Z boson with at least two jets with transverse momentum pjet T > 20 GeV and pseudorapidity jηjetj < 2.5. This measurement uses data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9.7 fbMINUS SIGN 1 collected by the D0 experiment in Run II of Fermilab's Tevatron p-p Collider at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV.
The measured integrated ratio of 0.0236 0.0032ðstatÞ 0.0035ðsystÞ is in agreement with predictions from next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD and the Monte Carlo event generators PYTHIA and ALPGEN.