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Three puzzles for political science: Case study of entrepreneur's projects of Babiš, Janeček and Okamura in Czech politics

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Political projects of Andrej Babiš, Tomio Okamura and Karel Janeček are a certain form of reaction to the economic crisis and its political implications in the context of Czech politics. Although they shared a strong leader-figure, the entrepreneur, in terms of sub-characteristics are quite fundamentally different - Okamura and Babiš formed quite different political party projects, but Janeček stayed mostly in NGO field and political activism.

That is why these projects need to be examined in a broader, multi-paradigmatic perspective in order to describe them in the most comprehensive way possible. Multi-paradigmatic perspective in this case includes study of political parties with emphasis on the cartel party model and business-firm party model, the study of social movements and populism.

Text focuses on the analysis of several key dimensions usually used in the study of social movements - its membership and recruitment, mobilization of material resources, ideological and political resources and repertoire of actions. Within these dimensions the emphasis is put strongly on the concept of populism that is understood in both identity (Laclau) and systematic comparative perspective (Albertazzi).