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Excessive consumption of simple sugars and alcohol addiction among female in institution addiction treatment - a pilot study

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, First Faculty of Medicine |


BACKGROUND: Topic of simple sugar consumption and its potential to addictive behaviour is emerging as a relatively new phenomenon, highlighted especially by the experts from clinical practice. Previous studies have been realized in most cases in animal models.

The focus of the present study is to explore the prevalence and factors of excessive consumption of simple sugars in abstinent patients during institutional addiction treatment. AIMS: The aim is to determine whether the amount of simple sugars accepted during the stay in a psychiatric hospital corresponds to the diagnostic criteria according to DSM IV for dependence on the substance.

The second aim is to examine the socio-demographic factors, which can be considered as risky in relation to the higher consumption of simple sugars among abstinent women. PARTICIPANTS: The research sample consisted of 34 female clients of Bohnice Psychiatric hospital, recovering from alcohol addiction.

DESIGN AND MEASUREMENTS: The study used a questionnaire battery consisted of the Alcohol Dependence Scale (ADS) and the Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS). RESULTS: The results indicate 32% clients showed in the Yale Food Addiction Scale diagnostic criteria for addiction on the simple sugars and 21% respondents can be considered at risk of sugar addiction.

The most threatening criterion from the seven criteria for dependence (DSM-IV) was the one that determines the permanent desire for sweet foods or repeated attempts to stop consuming simple sugars. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the study results, the issue of higher consumption of simple sugars represents a certain risk for women in the treatment of alcohol dependence.

In further research it would be interesting to examine in detail the metabolic context of a further explanation of this consumption. In practical application it would be useful to focus especially on nutritional support and education of the patients in addiction treatment.