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Structure of an Implementation Plan for the National System of School-based Prevention of Risk Behaviour in the Czech Republic for 2015-2025

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The period 1999-2015 witnessed the development of a vision of an integrated system of school-based prevention of risk behaviour (ISSP) in the Czech Republic. The practical application of the prospective ISSP and its pilot testing were the main objectives of two structural projects, VYNSPI-1 (2009-2011) and VYNSPI-2 (2014-2015).

The desire to achieve a greater degree of harmonisation between the approaches of two key government portfolios managed respectively by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic (Ministry of Education) and the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (Ministry of Health) is at the heart of these efforts. Following the submission of the first version of the ISSP to both ministries, public discussion was initiated.