Firstly, the paper presents the definition of an ordinary share in a private limited company and an ordinary stock share in a public limited company. The paper sums up that the ordinary share (or stock share) is such a share which carries only essential or ""basic"" shareholders' rights to the extent that results from the non-mandatory legal regulation.
Afterwards, the paper examines if special (different) types of share can exist in partnerships and concludes that the plurality of partnerships' shares is permissible despite the fact that it is not exactly permitted by law. Consequently, the paper discusses the construction of special shareholders' rights carried by shares, the explicitly regulated and non-regulated types of share.
The paper denies the conclusion according which it is permitted to create special types of share based on the reduction of shareholders' rights. According to the author, the creation of such types of share is possible only if there is an explicit legal regulation.
The paper also examines whether a stock share can carry also other special rights than shareholders' (corporation) rights. Its aim in this matter is to determine the limits of contractual autonomy in this field of business corporation law.