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Innovations in Hadwriting Literacy Development - Teaching Comenia Script

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The paper informs about the background, course and findings of the research in experimental examination of the Comenia Script font, which was carry out by Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University in Prague. Its main goal was if the new font developed by R.

Lencová is a valid form for beginning to handwrite and to also suggest succeeding steps which would make its usage in the school praxis usable, if the findings were to be positive. Evaluation of the new font took place between 2010 and 2012 with 33 classes of elementary and special schools, namely pupils of 1st and 2nd grades.

It was proved that the new pattern of handwriting is proper for the pupils but not as only or a main approach, but an alternative approach. The readers will also learn about the most common outcomes from professional debates - with the arguments in for and against this font, which accompanied this study and also with the final suggestions how to deal with the Comenia Script for schools, teachers, parents and teacher preparation.