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Recreation values and the value of recreation demand modelling: The case of the Šumava NP

Publikace na Fakulta humanitních studií |

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The article focuses at recreation demand modelling and the estimation of a single site travel cost model for the Šumava National Park. Particular theoretical and practical steps of the application and issues concerning the method are discussed and comprehensively revealed also to non-economists: from the definition of travel cost, sampling, modelling, estimation of recreation value and further use of the results in decisionmaking and policy assessment.

The final output of the article is the estimate of recreation value for the Šumava National Park in monetary terms. The consumer surplus associated with one average trip for an average visitor to the Šumava National Park is estimated at 399 CZK (23.2 EUR); yearly estimate of recreation surplus for an average visitor mounts to 773 CZK (44.9 EUR).