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Services for Tracking and Archival of Grid Job Information


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In this paper we present recent progress in development and deployment of two related job-tracking services developed in the EU EGEE project: Logging and Bookkeeping and Job Provenance. The Logging and Bookkeeping (L&B) is a specialised distributed grid monitoring system which gathers information on a grid job from various sources and provides the end-user with aggregate view on her job state.

The service was developed originally in the EU DataGrid project and it has been successfully deployed in this project as well as in others (LCG, CrossGrid). After a brief review of the core functionality and presenting statistics on the deployment scale we focus on new features (L&B proxy -- a lightweight component computing a partial view on grid job state based on locally gathered information only) and new foreseen applications -- support for computing grid usage statistics and Computing Element reputability ranking used as a feedback information for grid job scheduling.

We also present a longer ter...