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Gothic panel painting in northwestern and northern Bohemia

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


A remarkable set of altarpieces and individual panel paintings dating from 1340-1550 has been preserved in North-Western Bohemia. Most of them originated in the late Gothic and early modern era when Bohemia was under the rule of the Jagiellon dynasty and the Habsburg Ferdinand I.

This abundance of works of art was a consequence of the economic upswing of North-Western Bohemia, particularly of mining and metal processing in the Krušné Hory region. The monograph's author, Jan Royt, in cooperation with historian Michaela Hrubá and art historian Magdaléna Nespěšná Hamsíková, presents the development of panel painting in North-Western Bohemia and in Saxony in the context of historical and religious development in this region.

The monuments are presented as catalogue entries and accompanied by color reproductions.