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How do we support young researchers at the Czech Technical University in Prague?

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


University Libraries nowadays, in terms of new challenges in research and development, have become important strategic partners to academicians and their research and publication activities. One of the main factors, which influences the scientific publishing, is the evaluation system of research, which is based on questionable requirement of producing a number of quantitatively evaluable publications.

This fact significantly affects mainly young scientists, who do not have scientific experience just as senior researchers do. They are compelled by their institutions and colleagues to meet all this evaluation criteria and under this pressure they form their own moral principles and their career strategies.

However, the question is whether the system should not be more motivating rather than stressful. Therefore it is clearly necessary to provide all possible support to young researchers in every step of research and publication cycle.

At the Czech Technical University, editorial office of two university scientific journals is part of university library and we are glad, that we can present a good experience with this interesting a beneficial activity, which aims to contribute to successful collaboration of young researchers in international scientific community.