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Effects of applying deicing salt to roads in protected areas of the Bohemian Forest region

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The effects of deicing salt have been studied with the same monitoring methods in three protected areas of the Bohemian Forest. More than ten years monitoring data set from the Šumava National Park and the Šumava Protected Landscape Area (since 2003) together with repeated monitoring conducted in the Bavarian Forest National Park (in 2011, 2012, and 2015) offer an unique opportunity for studying long-term trends and different sensitivities of various habitats occurring in the Bohemian Forest region.

The same methodology for monitoring the effect of deicing salt is applied both in the Bavarian Forest NP (9 permanent sites) and the Šumava NP & PLA (12 permanent sites). Soil conditions have been recorded and samples of soil are collected at the study sites annually.

The mixed soil samples for each site are analysed by the certified laboratory. Two five-meter long transects for fytoindication run parallel with the road at each site.

The first one is located just at the edge of the asphalt road surface and the second one meter from the road edge. Transects are characterised by the percentages of halophytes, sub-halophytes and glycophytes.

More statistical analyses are necessary; however, preliminary results have already shown growing concentrations of chlorides and high proportions of halophytic species (>60%) in some locations. The long-term monitoring using a proven methodology was found to be a very important tool for better understanding of the ecological impacts of road salting on surrounding ecosystems in the Bohemian Forest, the area of high conservation value.