Records of 45 liverwort and one hornwort species new to or very rare in East African countries. Among them the occurrence of Leptolejeunea subrotundifolia is new to Africa, Anthoceros punctatus, Cephaloziella antheli-oides, Diplasiolejeunea cobrensis, Marsupella sparsifolia,Tritomaria camerunen-sis and Plagiochila rodriguezii are new to tropical East Africa while Cephalozi-ella tenuissima, C. transvaalensis, Chiloscyphus muhavurensis, Cololejeunea inflectens, C. magillii, C. peponiformis, Diplasiolejeunea hamata, D. rudolphia-na, Harpalejeunea filicuspis, Lopholejeunea sphaerophora and Syzygiella col-orata, to the bryoflora of Madagascar.
Finally Cephalozia connivens var. fissa, Solenostoma onraedtii, Plagiochila incerta, P. repanda, P. stricta, Colura dusenii and Diplasiolejeunea kraussiana are new to the flora of Comoro Islands. The new combination of Drepanolejeunea pentadactyla var. dactylophoroides is also presented.