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Reading profiles of Czech children accross the four beginning grades of primary school

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Reading profiles of children speaking other languages than English create interestÍng background to the Current state of knowledge within the readÍng research. )ur talk specifÍcally aÍms at reading comprehensÍon skÍlls on Czech speaking children. We present the data from the short term longitudinal study across the fourth beginning grades of Czech primary school.

The purpose of the talk is to show reading comprehension skill in relation to other (mainly decodÍng) reading skills and from the developmental point of view. We also aim to show how the teaching methods used in Czech Republic inJluence the development of reading skill, resp' reading comprehension skÍll.

Our sample conslsťs of 520 normally developing Czech children aged between 6-11- years. Half of the sample create children learning via analytical-synthetic method, the rest is acquiring reading via so called genetic method.

Both methods are rooted in their speciftc methodology and as a result of that they amplify dÍfferent aspects of the process of reading development. Children learning analytical-synthetic method are better "decoders" that children learning reading via genetÍc method.