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Hungarian Population in the Czech Lands between 1945 and 1949: A Traditional Minority or a New One

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The legal aspects of situation of Hungarian minority, which was basicly formed in the Czech lands between the First and Second World Wars as a consequence of constituting a common Czechoslovak state. Censuses taken in 1921 and 1930 suggest that the number of Hungarians varied between 7 and 11 thousand persons.

The life of this community was substantially affected by the tragic events of 1938 and WWII, as were the lives of other minorities. Some Hungarians returned to Hungary, others chose to leave the country and stay in exile.The Czechoslovak Government in exile planned, during WWII, to restore Czechoslovakia within its pre-Munich borders, i.e. in relation to Hungary within the borders before the First Vienna Arbitration; such plans naturally invoked the necessity to resolve the issue of German and Hungarian minorities.