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Measures of comprehension for Czech 1st to 4th grade pupils

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The presented study is a part of the project Reading comprehension - Typical Development and its Risks, which main aim is to map the dynamics of the development of reading comprehension of Czech school age children considering internal and external factors. In the present paper we investigate comprehension skills of 1st to 4th graders (N=467).

For each grade, we compared results in three new created tests measuring listening, oral reading and silent reading comprehension. All of the new three comprehension measures have several features in common: they assess literal and inferential comprehension of the story and they have identical structure in monitoring the comprehension.

This allows researchers to examine comprehension under the different condition (listening, reading aloud, silent reading) in case of Czech language - as an example of language with transparent orthography. First, we investigate whether reading mode has a significant effect on comprehension and whether there is a difference of this effect depending on reading proficiency of the pupils (Kragler, 1995; van den Boer, M., van Bergen, E., & de Jong, P.

F. , 2014; Hale et al., 2010). Second, we examine the types of comprehension and compare the explicit and implicit comprehension subscores of the comprehension measures.

The study aims to make implications for the reading practices in the primary schools based on insights into the nature of reading comprehension across reading modes and types of comprehension.