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Everyday Professional Life Experiences of Teachers in the Midlife Transition Period

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The article presents the meaning of professional work as experienced by teach - ers in the midlife transition period (the concept by P. Oleś).

Qualitative research conducted with the use of an autobiographical method (a reference to the jour - nal writing tradition of F. Znaniecki and his followers, including pedeutology experts) has been placed within the framework of everyday life sociology as presented by A.

Schütz, P. Berger and T.

Luckmann, and P. Sztompka.

The pur - pose of the presented study is to focus on how the stage of one's development influences the quality of work and determines the meaning and importance of professional experiences. In order to describe it, a reference has been made to the research conducted among 6 female teachers in the midlife transition period..