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Second letter to Thesalonians

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty |


The commentary represents a volume in the edition series Český ekumenický komentář k Novému zákonu (Czech Ecumenical Commentary to the New Testament). The author defends pseudoepigraphical authorship with all the consequences for the interpretation of the individual topics of the letter.

The commentary itself is preceded by an extensive introductory study justifying the decision for the pseudoepigraphical character of the letter presenting a detailed comparison with the First letter to Thessalonians for which the author has also written a commentary in the same series. The commentary includes excursions about the fictional co-senders Silvanus and Timoteus as well as the problematic of apocalyptic expectation and the specific attitude of the author of the letter to its interpretation.

The commentary itself follows the structure of the letter and presents explanations of the individual verses.