This essay aims to develop a first understanding of the phenomenon of impartation (Mitteilung) in analyzing Franz Kafka's story "The Judgement". Therefore it is necessary to analyze Kafkas story in consideration of the role of impartation.
It will be shown that this story can be read as a parable about impartation in general. Kafka develops in different types of impartation (letters, spoken language) a tension-laden setting between authentic, inauthentic and violent impartations.
The last kind of impartation is to be seen rather as a condemnation (Ver-Ur-Teilung) and a judgement (Ur-Teil), more than an impartation (Mit-Teilung). On the basis of this analysis we will enable the possibility of a first sight of the phenomenon of impartation: this phenomenon of sharing (Mit-Teilen) is to be seen as related to other phenomena of a yet to discover shareology (Teilenslehre), like in Kafka's story related to the phenomenon of judging (urteilen).
The shareology is to be seen as opposed to atomism: sharing is always transcending the partition. On such base an idea of partition can be won which is beginning with its shared sense.