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Regional Knowledge for Competence Based Teaching: Transformative Processes in the Czech Education Context

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The paper reviews the concept of competence based teaching and outlines its implications for the engagement of schools in regional (sustainable) development. In educational practice, an understanding of regional specifics helps to form relationships to a locality and supports active involvement in the local community.

This is the basis of "place based education" and attempts to introduce regionally-based textbooks and methodologies especially into education for sustainable development (ESD) in CR. The regional approach is also applicable at the university level where qualitative methods of inquiry are taught within case study-based education.

Openness of the learning process towards other stakeholders and the specific context within a region or locality has implications in all areas of education: transformation with regards to educational goals, methods, outcomes, and assessment, as well as to the roles of actors in the teaching/learning process is observed. Desired competences for active citizenship (as recently agreed by CR civil society groups) are presented in conclusion.