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International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) - Appendices II-VIII

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The rules that govern the scientific naming of algae, fungi, and land Plants are revised at Nomenclature Section meetings at successive International Botanical Congresses. Issues arising at the Congress in Australia in July 2011 were embodied in the main volume of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, published in 2012 as Regnum Vegetabile volume 154.

Among the decisions made in Melbourne was that the Appendices to the Code (other than App. I on the nomenclature of hybrids) could be published in electronic form only and therefore need no longer be published together with the main text.

Consequently the volume published in 2012 comprised only the main text of the Code and noted that App. II- VIII would be published later, both as a printed volume and electronically.

This volume represents that later publication of these Appendices. Appendices II - VI cover conserved and rejected names and suppressed works as in the Vienna Code (McNeill & al. in Regnum Vegetabile, Volume 146. 2006), but App.

VII and VIII are new and reflect the decision of the Melbourne Congress to include in Appendices the binding decisions under Art. 38.4 of the Code on whether or not to treat a name as validly published when it is doubtful whether a descriptive statement satisfies the requirement for a "description or diagnosis" and those under Art. 53.5 on whether or not to treat names as homonyms when it is doubtful whether they or their epithets are sufficiently alike to be confused.