In this review, we discuss new and emerging renal cell carcinoma RCC) entities, including anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) RCC, ncocytic variant of chromophobe RCC, atrophic kidney-like renal umour, biphasic alveolosquamoid RCC, tubulocystic RCC, thyroidlike ollicular carcinoma of the kidney, succinate dehydrogenasedeficient CC, BirteHoggeDube syndrome-associated renal tumour, ereditary leiomyomatosis/renal cell carcinoma associated RCC, tuberous clerosis-associated RCC, PTEN hamartoma tumour syndrome, lear cell papillary RCC, acquired cystic disease-associated CC, Xp11.2 RCC, t(6;11) RCC and renal hemangioblastoma. These umours have clinical, pathological and genetic features distinct from her common RCCs and therefore are important to recognize. ome of them have been recognized as distinct histological subtypes n the 2016 World Health Organization Classification.
However, further tudies are needed to lucidate their clinicopathologic features and olecular mechanisms.