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Implementation of the ADR-Directive 2013/11/EU in Hungary and in the Czech Republic - alternative dispute resolution for consumer litigation

Publication at Faculty of Law |


Until July 2015, the Member States must make their national dispute resolution systems for consumer affairs within the meaning of Directive 2013/11/EU comprehensively and across sectors. Not only compliance with the requirements of the alternative dispute boards, but also fulfilling the information requirements of enterprises will monitor in the future.

Whether the new national models can ensure effective arbitration in each sector, will be presented with using the example of Hungary and the Czech Republic. After a short presentation of the implementation of the Member States need (BI and II) the current mediation systems in Hungary and in the Czech Republic will be presented (B III).

After the redesign of the settlement system (CI) and the possible results of the arbitration are based on the bills of these two countries examined (CII). Subsequently to be discussed whether the cooperation of the companies could be improved by the new rules (CIII)? After the comparative analysis on unresolved questions received (D).