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How to Make Successful Marketing in Social Business

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Purpose of the article A social enterprise is a business with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business, rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit. They need enough finances, made business plan or at least strategic plan and properly set u marketing activities.

In many cases these enterprises faced with shortage of financial and couldn't invest in marketing activities. Without these activities it isn't able to gain new markets and customers at all. .It isn't phenomenon in post-communistic countries but it is observed in other European countries.

Methodology/methods There were used questionnaire to colleting data and interview with main country coordi-nator of social enterprises. For statistical analysis was used program IBM SPSS Statistic (e.g. chi square test etc).

Scientific aim This paper deals with social enterprises and their success on the market. Further, the article helps to raise awareness of social business and their specific aspects.

Findings Results of the research show the core of failure of social enterpreunership. The problem is in absence of strategic plans and bad targeting marketing communication.

Then it is a fear or averseness of hiring profes-sionals. This decision businessmen hiding behind the lack of funds even in case that they had obtained state grant.

Conclusions There are registered 223 social enterprises in the Czech Republic. One limit of the survey is fact that social enterprises don't want to share information about their financial situation and business.

Due to this reason was the questionnaire return quite low (24%) Then we could discuss geographical limits. The research was held in the Czech Republic.

Although other countries in Europe are suffering with similar problems, it is possible that other states may act yet another factory, which in the Czech Republic do not appear or are represented mar-ginally.