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Community Life in Slušovice: Modern-date Town Transformation

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This conference lecture is derived partially from Mr. Fialka's master thesis, defended in September 2014 at the Institute of Ethnology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague.

It deals with Slušovice municipality which was promoted to the status of a city (Czech: město) as late as the 1990s. The main focus is on the unique transformation process the village to the city which is going to be shown, among other things, on the unique local activities, on various means of modernization conducted during so called "Normalisation" in the second half of the 20th century in Czechoslovakia, and the inhabitants' relationship to their municipality.

The process of state planned aid for rural development is evident in whole Eastern Europe in the late socialism. However, culture in village Slušovice is specific by mass events organized by the local collective farm.

These are e.g. horse-racing, shopping exchanges, international sport activities, and the actions of the local football team. Popular culture was brought to the village through performances by artists as well.

The aim of this paper is to convey the conclusions from comparisons of local normative written and audiovisual sources to interviews with a selection of Slušovice inhabitants about the popular activities within the transformation process on background of Eastern European context.