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Comparison of two techniques of front handspring in pedagogical context

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Terminological classification of motion structures to a certain category is not assigned by the same technical basis of movement of elements within this category, but the characteristic features of the movement, regardless of the identity or the diversity of motional acts and operations that causes this movement. A traditional handspring performed with one leg take off has different technical basis of movement in comparison with two feet take off forward handspring .The differences in technique and in this way the technical basis of the movement of these two motional structures are evident from the kinematic analysis carried out through the CMAS and by the videoanalysis system KINOVEA.

Comparison of the two techniques front handspring through two different systems consistently demonstrated the diversity of motional acts and operations which precede take off of the arms and they are the cause of the rotary motion of the body. Based on these findings, mainly because of the risk of interference, from the educational point of view, it is not appropriate to teach these skills at the same time, but prefer the so-called. "gymnastic bench", specifically the front handspring executed by take off from one leg.